We have a ready-to-use solution that is very similar, called . Fireball is especially great for the food service industry because it comes in a spray quart bottle and can be used immediately on delivery. Eliminator needs to be mixed with water to clean but comes at a better cost per gallon because of its concentrated formulation.
For other options, please feel free to take a look at our complete line of .
Dilution Ratios
- Light Soils: Dilute 2 - 3 oz. per gallon of water for cleaning tabletops, countertops & other similar areas.
- Medium Soils: Dilute 4 - 6 oz. per gallon of water for cleaning areas such as greasy kitchen surfaces.
- Heavy Soils: Dilute 8 - 16 oz. per gallon of water for cleaning those areas with the heaviest build-up.
*Please Note: Do not use 'Eliminator' undiluted on composition floors. Use with caution on painted surfaces, aluminum, magnesium & other nonferrous metals. Do not use on glass surfaces.