The Wolf River Apple Tre (Malus pumila domestica x Wolf River) is a deciduous fruiting tree that produces a very large, round apple that can reach up to 4 inches in diameter and weigh up to 1 pound. Wolf River is mainly used for cooking, and it keeps its shape when cooked. It is fairly sweet and doesn't need much sugar added. The skin is red to pink/red blush, thick and can get greasy with storage. The flesh is creamy yellow, soft often mealy.
Wolf River, is mild, sweet in flavor and has the ability to hold its shape when cooked, is noted as one of the best pie apples, is a world renowned apple butter apple and has long been cherished for the smooth, creamy apple butter it produces after hours of slow cooking.
Wolf River has a very high natural resistance to the disease apple scab, and good resistance to fire-blight and mildew. It is also very cold hardy, making it a good choice for growing in the northern part of North America.
Considered a medium growth rate.
Plant one of these varieties within 50' for best pollination; McIntosh, Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady.
For maximum fruit production, plant in full sun, in well drained moist acidic, loamy, rich, sandy, silty loam soils.
Ripens in Mid September - Early October
Chill Hours: 900-1000
Root Stock: M111
Spacing: 15-20'
Height: 12-15'
Width: 12-15'
Zones: 3-8
What you are purchasing is 1 Wolf River Apple Tree at a size of your choosing. Handle with care.